March 29, 2014 Quilt Show

The weather held out for our 2014 quilt show "Stars Over New London" . We had over 70 quilts, wallhangings, table toppers, runners and miscellaneous projects on display. Visitors came from Mansfield, Greenwich, Lodi, Amherst, Kipton, Ashland and of course New London. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy and please feel free to visit our flickr page to see other pictures of our guild member projects.











Be sure to visit our flickr page or our facebook page for more pictures. Just click on the round symbol above our events column.

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March 27, 2014

We had a record of 13 members present for this meeting. Everyone must have had cabin fever and needed to get out. It seems like it was months since we were together. This weather hasn't been good to us this year.

Here's what we accomplished. Plans were formed up for the quilt show happening Saturday, March 29, 2014. By the time you read this, it will be over, sorry, I'm a little slow this week.

It was brought up that there are a few of us who have trouble getting up or down the stairs, depending on which room we are meeting in that week, especially if we are having a workshop and have to bring our machines and tools with us. So it was decided to explore options for a new meeting place on a ground floor level. A couple of ideas were floated around the table and are being checked out. Also we are thinking of going to one meeting during the week and a workshop on a Saturday once a month. Plans are for the 2nd Thursday and the 4th Saturday. The workshop meeting will run from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. with a come and go as you please attendance. What do you think? Please let us know.

Ideas for a new service project were also kicked about. Discussed were Quilts of Valor, pillowcases for a particular charity and quilts for child victims of fires. Got some idesa? We'd  love to hear them.

The next time we get together will be our Wednesday meeting on April 9th. It was decided that for the Christmas secret sister exchange this year, we are going to bump up the yardage to 1 yard of good quality fabric. Please bring a piece of fabric you would like to have made into something for this exchange. Be sure to bring it in a small brown paper bag with your name on a piece of paper inside. You do not have to participate in this exchange if you don't want to.

Here are some show and tell pictures for this week.


This was Yvonne's baby quilt 70 or so years ago. It was passed between family member to be used.


Redwork and stars quilt from Gloria. The embroidery and quilting was all done by hand.


Little dressed quilt also by Gloria.


This quilt by Gloria features her granddaughter who is now 9 years old. It won Viewers Choice at
Old Uniontown Quilt Guild Quilt Show.


This bag by Lynette is constructed using the clothesline method.


Hippy, hippy, shake, shake daisy quilt was done by Chris.

Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you at the next meeting.
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March 12, 2014

Well that Mother Nature is a fickle gal. Meeting is cancelled for tonight. Stay tuned for possibly an extra meeting scheduled before our next regular meeting on March 27th. Don't forget the quilt show is still on for March 29th. If you would like to have some fliers to pass out, let Chris Porter know.
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