December 11th Christmas Potluck

The New London Quilt Guild held their last meeting of the year with a potluck and secret sister gift exchange. Everyone agreed that they were not ready for the Christmas holiday and had a lot to do to prepare for the upcoming event. There were a lot of great eats and everyone was stuffed afterwards.

After the meal Yvonne reminded everyone that in January we will be forming different committees to plan out our activities for the upcoming year. If there is anything you want to have covered, please bring your ideas to the next meeting which will be January 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the First United  Methodist Church basement if available, if not we will meet upstairs. Another reminder is that the quilt show will be held on March 29th. The theme for the show is "Stars over New London". Minimum size for your theme quilt should be appr. 24" x 24". You may enter any size quilted project you would like for the general showing. More information will be available as this date gets closer.

For our gift exchange the theme seemed to be table runners or toppers galore, with a few other items thrown in for good measure. Enjoy the pictures.

Great fellowship!



Want some dessert?


 Here's Marlene with her gift from Chris Porter.

Kim with her gift from Martha.

Martha with her gift from Kim!


Jennifer received this red work piece from Marcia.


Lynette's table runner is from Marlene.

Sylvia made this cute tote for Marcella.


 Sylvia was gifted these hot pads from Marcella.


Yvonne's was a 2 part gift from Raschena, these pretty placemats,

and this matching table runner.

Raschena's red and green topper was from Lynette.


Yvonne made Carol's reversible, here's side one,


here's side two.

Jennifer made this hexagon table topper and oven mitts for Chris. She also included the mitten and angel ornament.

That's it for this year. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! We'll see you in 2014!

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