2013 - November 13th meeting

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Well where has this year gone? Members have been busy with their own projects and our service project quilts this past year.  Here is our third and final service quilt for Eastman Funeral Home. Good job everyone!

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The meeting started off with Yvonne reminding everyone of the Hometown Holidays in New London on December 7 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. We will have a table set up in the Heilman Building in Recreation Park. All members are encouraged to donate small, homemade items to be sold at this event. This is the way we raise funds for the upcoming years projects. If you are unable to have any items ready by December 6, the day of set up, we hope that you will consider making a small donation instead. If you have any questions, please give Yvonne or any other member a call. Set up will be Friday, December 6th, from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., please bring your items in that evening with a dollar amount you think they should be priced at. Remember, this to raise funds for our projects, so please price to sell. Final set up will be from 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Saturday morning. The work schedule has been set but we can always use you for the clean up crew which will be after 2 p.m. and we have to be out of the building by 3 p.m.

The next item discussed was the Christmas potluck which is on December 11th at 6 p.m. in the church basement. Note that this is an hour earlier then our usual meeting time. If you plan to attend and haven't signed up for a dish yet, please leave Jennifer a message via our email here on the blog or via our Facebook page and let her know what you would like to bring. You will need to provide your own table service. Drinks will be provided. Also this is the meeting for our secret sister gift exchange. If you aren't involved in this, that's okay, just give Yvonne a call and she will let you know your alternative.

Lastly, we had election of officers. Congratulations to:
Yvonne Westover, President
Kim Parsons, Vice President
Carol Schaffer, Secretary
Marcia Letterly, Treasurer
Publicity and Media, Marlene Stevens
Jean Gross-Mutnansky, Sunshine person
Chris Porter, facebook and blog coordinator.

Here's show and tell, the favorite of many of you:

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Here's a cute Tom Turkey quilted by Marlene Stevens for her mother's room where she resides.
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Frost Bite quilted wall hanging done by Chris Porter. They are hard to see but there are snowflakes quilted around the snowman's heads.
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Quilted snowman tree skirt also stitched and quilted by Chris Porter.

Chris K's quilt 11/13/13
Chris Kaufman stitched this top and was asking for advice on how to quilt it. She received many suggestions. Can't wait to see what she does with it.

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And this beautiful quilt done in batiks by Martha Hecock . Just gorgeous!


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