November 14, 2012 Meeting

The November 14th meeting was surprisingly well attended with lots of final end of the year decisions to be made.

The decision on what two choices to eat at the Wildcat Cafe for the Christmas dinner will be smothered chicken and a philly wrap. As a reminder the dinner will be at 6:00 pm at the Wildcat Connections Cafe in downtown New London. With the gift exchange and desserts held at Lynette's.

Hometown Holidays sales table will be at the New London United Methodist Church parlor on December 1. 2012. Guild members can bring in your items to the parlor at 8:00 am. Please have your items all ready priced for sale. Lastly shifts were given to members who could help out with the sale. If you do not remember your shift time contact Yvonne. Lastly if any members have any spare grocery bags in good condition that can be spared please bring them to the sale.

For the 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge a donation destination for the pillowcases was found. All pillowcases will be sent to Pillows of Hope in Cincinnati, where the Pillows of Hope organization will donate all the pillowcases to Cincinnati Children's Hospital.  

Next was how the progress of our service project. All the nine patches and snowballs have been pieced together thanks to Marlene. Thank you Marlene! Now it is ready to have a border added and finally quilted.  

Picture 1608

There were some left over nine patches that were left overs and there is still an interest to put them to use in another quilt. In order to continue on more nine patches are still in need.

Lastly in the order of business for this meeting officers were elected or reelected in this case for the 2013 year. All officers were appointed and excepted their nominations. As of to date all officers from 2012 still hold the same positions as before.   
Show and tell

There were a couple of members who had some items to share. Starting with Chris P. Chris had gotten into the holiday spirit. Here is a fall pumpkin wall hanging... 

Picture 1618

A Let it Snow snowman wall hanging....

Picture 1611

And a Christmas tree table runner!

Picture 1609

Here is a closer look at the tree and Chris's quilting. Nice Job Chris!!!

Picture 1610

Doris has even gotten into the holiday spirit as well! Doris had made two Carrie Nation Christmas quilts.

Picture 1613

Both quilts are done in the same color scheme but with different prints!

Picture 1614

Doris even made a wall hanging where you can store Christmas cards, candy canes, and a few other small Christmas goodies!

Picture 1616

See those pockets! They are quite handy for sure! What a clever idea!

Picture 1615

The last items to share from Doris was these Christmas coasters. 

Picture 1617

If you like them and love them you might find them at the sales table for Hometown Holidays!

Well, that is all that we have for now. Hope to see you at the Hometown Holidays!

Happy Quilting and Sewing!

New London Quilt Guild

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